Saddle Rider Vector Endpin Mounts for Cello and Double Bass

Sale Price:$125.00 Original Price:$150.00
sale’s trademark aircraft aluminum “Vector Mount” sockets use a wedge-shaped slug instead of a screw or bushing pressing into the endpin. This applies greater holding force with less thumbscrew tightening effort and is extremely effective at preventing the rod from slipping. It is also easy to lubricate and disassemble if switching between Saddle Rider’s various thumbscrew and slug options. Each vector mount ships with an open-source 3D printed bio-plastic cone that allows a simple, no-reaming required, installation for standard bass and cello sizes. Another unique feature of our socket design is the wide range of adaptability to off-size endpin rods. Our half-inch socket holds 1/2”, 12 mm, and 11 mm rods securely (flip the orientation of the wedge 180 degrees for 11 mm rods). Our 10 mm socket also holds 3/8th inch rods, and allows flipping the slug 180 degrees to hold 8 mm rods as well. This allows players to quickly and accurately assess not just endpin materials in their instruments, but also see how different diameters of endpins feel and sound. Our 10 mm mounts work with all standard cello endpins and indexed or unindexed bass endpins. Check out our blog for more information! SKU: SR-VEND-10 (for 10 mm endpins) or SR-VEND-12 (for 1/2 inch endpins)

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